Going to the Zoo-逛动物园,Going to the Zoo-逛动物园范文

高中生作文  更新时间:2024-04-28 00:35:27

Going to th Zoo-逛动物园 I hav bn to Taipi Zoo about onc a yar. Th zoo is lik a hotl for animals. Th animals com from many parts of th world. Th animals that cam from Africa ar lphants, lions, zbras, camls, ostrichs, rhinocros, hippopotamus, giraffs, hynas, monkys, and chtahs, Kangaroos cam from Australia. Tigrs cam from Malaysia. Pnguins cam from South Amrica. Thr ar a lot of nativ animals, antatrs, rattlsnaks, bautiful birds and fish, and so on. I lik thos nativ animals bst bcaus many of thm ar our good nighbors. Going to th Zoo-逛动物园

Going to the Zoo-逛动物园,Going to the Zoo-逛动物园范文

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